Video (click to see on YouTube) Dance Discovery performs a modern waltz figure Waves of Grain in multi-period costumes at the Missouri History Museum, as part of "250 in 250: A Yearlong Exhibit Commemorating the 250th Anniversary of the Founding of St. Louis" Music ("Wheat") by Martha Edwards, dance ("Waves of Grain") by Bob Green
20150613NoneSuchVid 20150613DargasonVid 20140713DeMenil 20140614Video 20140407WavesOfGrainVid 20130717Muny 20130714DeMenil 20121209WashingtonVideo 20091108PirateVid 20071125SIUELancersVid Washington2006 St_Genevieve Springfield-200807 Springfield-2006 ParkPaloosa Mayday_2003 Jarot_Mansion History_Museum_2005 History_Museum CivilWar200705